High Garden

A multi-storied house around a garden

Location: Delhi
Area: 12,000 sqft
Status: Unbuilt

Can a garden be provided in a 4 storey house? – was a pertinent question from the Client since the typology of housing in the neighbourhood is of shared side walls leaving only the front and the rear open with very little open space on ground. KnowArch’s design response to this ask was to place a ‘garden’, not on ground or the roof, but on the 3rd level yet open to sky through a double height, piercing the front and the rear. Living & dining nestle into the garden with overlooking bedrooms on the 4th level. The rooms on lower levels connect to the garden through an alternate stair on the front façade. Thus the garden remains within sight as one navigates through the house achieving much of what a bungalow with a garden does!